Should I Upgrade My Garage Door Rollers?

Upgrading the rollers on your garage door is an inexpensive and easy way to keep your garage door running optimally. The rollers are a vital component as they hold the door on the tracks and play a large role in how quietly and smoothly your garage door will open and close. Over time, garage doors… Continue reading Should I Upgrade My Garage Door Rollers?

Garage Door Stuck ?

It can be extremely frustrating and concerning to have your garage door stuck open, particularly if you are leaving for work or it’s nighttime. Many of us keep valuables locked away in our garage such as lawn equipment, power tools, sports equipment, and our cars, among other things. If your door won’t close that can… Continue reading Garage Door Stuck ?

DIY Garage Door and Opener Check Up

Your garage door is the largest moving feature in your home and can experience a lot of wear and tear over time. Many of us use our garage doors several times every single day which can easily amount to over a thousand uses per year. Good upkeep is important to ensure that your door is… Continue reading DIY Garage Door and Opener Check Up

Why is it Taking so Long to Get a New Garage Door?

Lead times have largely increased for new garage doors over the past couple of years and continue to be much longer than in the past. Lead times have gone from a couple of weeks to up to a couple of months with no definite guarantee. So, what has caused this? The answer is simply all… Continue reading Why is it Taking so Long to Get a New Garage Door?

Is an Insulated Garage Door Worth It?

One of the most common questions we get from customers who are looking to purchase a new garage door is about the insulation. Homeowners want to know if an insulated door is actually worth the extra money. The answer in most cases is yes! An insulated door is money well spent on your home. In… Continue reading Is an Insulated Garage Door Worth It?

Eliminate Noise with a Garage Door Tune-Up!

Is your garage door unusually noisy? In many cases this can be resolved with a simple tune-up! Tune-ups are recommended twice a year but should at least be done once yearly. This will help to ensure the garage door’s safety, reliability, and quiet, smooth operation. Garage doors are used frequently and have many moving parts… Continue reading Eliminate Noise with a Garage Door Tune-Up!

Can Hackers Open My Garage Door?

The short answer to this question is yes. No garage door opener is 100% hacker-proof however, there are precautions that you can take that will make it much less likely for your door to be hacked. Here we will discuss a bit about different openers and which ones are the most secure. If you have… Continue reading Can Hackers Open My Garage Door?